
enjoy your time in internet

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

here you listen and hear a song of flute from distant far and you take the road .you go up and up and still you can not find the one who is playing the flute and you wish would appear to you instantly.in your trips you may hear beautiful songs from distant origins without composer appearing to you.have a nice trip


Friday, October 21, 2005

here you see many white sheep are waiting for their sheepkeeper and he does not appear on the scene.everybody is amazed why.but the sheepkeeper says if he remains with the sheep he would never be more than a sheepkeeper.in your trips you may see people change occupation because they want to be another person.have a nice trip


Monday, October 17, 2005

here the professor and his students are going to the garden and he sees a flower and shows it to the students and tells them their life is like this flower and has its unique smell and nobody should feel ashamed to achieve its fullfilment.in your trips you need to know its your unique way to feel the road.have a nice trip


Friday, October 07, 2005

here you see a woman is crying and a man is crying both are sharing the beauty of crying because each has a share of the property of crying.in your trips you may see people crying deeply.have a nice trip


here you see a man says hello and leaves immediately not to be rewarded by how are you.in your trips you may see people who are in extreme rush.have a nice trip


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