
enjoy your time in internet

Friday, January 28, 2005

here a man is crying and carrying thirty flowers to his beloved wife but she shuts the door and he publishes an expensive advertisement to make the heart of woman tender and ask the return of her.but he should know if a woman does not like a man there will be no remedy to it and love cannot be purchased and asked for. she who loves him will come and she who does not will escape. put your feet into her feelings and rights and then you find she should have escaped.in your trips chose companions who can tune up with you or you can tune up with them.have a nice trip


here a baby is crying because is born has come to this world without permission and agreement to be born,others are laughing and tell to him or her did not tell you but you must live because you are born.mountains are there before you are born and will be there after you die ,mountains will not walk to you but you should walk to mountains.your youth will be your treasure of life provided it will not be stolen by thiefs of time.in your trips you enjoy more if you are younger .have a nice trip


Sunday, January 23, 2005

here you see a person who has never spoken in lifetime.when he died he wrote on the tomb he never spoke because one who speaks become kicked in the back and the philosophy was not to be harmed by anybody.in your trips you may need to be silent in front of unknown people.have a nice trip


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

here two eyes are looking outside the window of glasses and they wish letters to be larger than usual so that they can read easier with their glasses.in your trips do not forget your accessory eyes.have a nice trip.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

here you see many hospitals and many drugs and many doctors and many treatments but all these are offered to those who have money inside pocket and this happens in majority of places and there has been little remedy for it so far.in your trips have reserve money in case you unexpectedly get ill.have a nice trip


here you desire the clock run faster and faster but it seems to run slower and slower and when delay occurs worries come to mind but always notice delay is not denial and at the moment you expect the time for you reaches and you embrace the beauty of achievement and if things do not happen as you expect there is a reason to it.in your trips do not haste when it is not needed.have a nice trip


Tuesday, January 11, 2005

here you see the earth is red because of its oxidized elements.you put your hand on it and your hand becomes red hued.in your trips you may find usual events but of different color.have a nice trip


Friday, January 07, 2005

here you see a white space and then black occupies in it and fills it.then the black and white travel together and reach destination.this happens when you write a letter .in your trips you may feel to use pencil and paper to write letters or use computer to send emails.have a nice trip


Sunday, January 02, 2005

here earth is very troubled and has got totally burned and hot inside so makes cracks in surface and frowns as earthquakes and cries as overflows of waters and shouts in typhons and hurricanes so this way some people die and others sigh builds are destroyed and many things lost but still this prevents the whole planet earth become destroyed this looks like the safety piece of a boiling pot.in your trips you may be caught in sudden natural catastrophies.have a nice trip


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